Saturday, March 29, 2008

Shopping Guidelines for the Slow

So yesterday I had the opportunity to spend four hours observing the shopping habits of women, and I've come up with some recommendations to improve the shopping process in general for slow shoppers (not exclusively female):

1) If it doesn't scream "must have" to you, don't bother trying it on.

2) After verifying size, ask yourself, "How often will I wear it?" Keep price in mind and make your final decision.

3) If you have to think for more than a minute about whether or not to get something, you probably shouldn't get it. Why spend your money on something you're less than enthusiastic about?

4) Don't be tempted to buy something just because you've spent so much time looking for something/trying stuff on. Sunk cost is sunk cost.

5) If you're going to take forever anyways, at least try to involve your non-slow friends a bit. They'll feel less awkward waiting around.

This way, you'll not only end up spending less time/money, but you'll also have more clothes you really like and will wear around. Everyone wins!

1 comment:

Faye said...

WhatEVER prompted you to go shopping with women in the first place?